NCI-Designated Cancer Center (2017 – Present)
Partnered with an NCI-Designated Cancer Center in New York City to pilot em-PACT for managing the activation of all interventional trials. The use of em-PACT has resulted in a ~26% reduction in study activation timelines and a ~20% increase in staff and investigator satisfaction with the activation process. More than 100 studies have been activated using em-PACT to date and em-PACT continues to be used as the primary system for activating trials at the Cancer Center. Signed a 2-year agreement in 2019 to continue using the em-PACT solution as their primary system for activating trials.
For more information visit us at em-PACT’s home page
Joint Publication at the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI) Clinical Research Initiative (CRI)
2018: “Improving Study Activation Timelines Using a Workflow Management Approach”
2017: “Improving Study Activation Timelines: Establishing Flow”
Government Agency (2011)
Documented the requirements for an electronic protocol lifecycle tracking tool (PLT) to serve as the foundation for developing a tool to address clinical research organization’s need to more effectively manage and reduce the time it takes to complete the study activation process. Gathered input from multiple NCI-Designated Cancer Centers and documented the results using Use Case models.
Use Case and Application Requirements for a Protocol Lifecycle Tracking Tool, with a Focus on the Trial Initiation Phase – 2010